Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Capturing JOY!

This is the post that should have preceded our first post.  But since it wasn't quite time, it's coming now.

For the record, let me just say that we are just as shocked by this news as you are.  This was not "our" plan.  Our plans don't usually work, anyway.  Prov. 16:1 says we can make our plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.   Prov. 16:9 goes on to say we can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.  As bible commentator Matthew Henry writes regarding Prov.16:9:  "But let men devise their worldly affairs ever so politely, and with ever so great a probability of success; yet God has the ordering of the event, and sometimes directs their steps to that which they least intended."  This is how God directed our steps:

One Sunday evening B and I watched a feature about Sir Nicholas Winton on 60 Minutes.   He was 104 and re-telling his story of saving over 600 children from the Holocaust.  I was moved by the feature and said to myself, "I can be doing so much more."  It was then that I opened my laptop and proceeded to our agency's website to begin looking at their photo listings; this is a list of “paper ready” kids available to be adopted.  Most have special needs of some sort.  Some are super young, and some are about to age out.   In other words, when children turn age fourteen in China, they are no longer eligible to be adopted.  Those in orphanages can usually stay and "help out", but at sixteen they must get jobs (the lucky ones can secure jobs at the orphanage) and start life on their own.   It's a horrible situation, but it is the reality for hundreds of kids.  It is a very overwhelming and helpless feeling.

Anyway, I looked at several children, but one particular girl stood out to me.  I was immediately drawn to her.  She is almost ten and has a cleft lip/palate that has been repaired.  Before I knew it, I had clicked the "send more info" button.  We talked to our agency the next day and found out there was another family also interested in her.  It was unclear why she hadn't been matched years ago, but she simply had fallen through the cracks.  Kris, the Holt rep with whom we were communicating, just happened to be leaving for China the NEXT DAY.   One of the 200+ kids she would be going to meet was this little girl.  Coincidence?  I think NOT!  Kris was going to be there thirteen days.  So we waited. That's the good thing about adoption:  they're never short on waiting. GRRRRR...

Fast forward fourteen days.  Kris (from Holt) finally called and started telling me about her trip and all the precious kids she met on her travels.  She went on to talk about this little girl.  She explained that, since there were two families interested, our files would go before a committee, who would then decide which family they thought would be the best fit.  As she went on, Kris casually mentioned that the other family already had a Chinese speaking child in their home and a craniofacial team at the ready.  I knew right away that they were her family.  I told Kris that we would not pursue the child or make the other family go before the committee.

Later that evening we had a conference call with Kris.  She wanted to tell us about all these other kids she met, including several that she thought were potentially a good match for our family.  As she tells us several stories, with no pictures or files I might add, I am immediately drawn to a three-year-old girl and a twelve-year-old girl, who are both in foster care.  The three-year-old girl is almost exactly one year older than JG, and also has a port wine stain (but it is more extensive). The twelve-year-old has a cleft lip/palate repair and is an incredible artist.  She has been in the same foster family since she was born.  We hung up with Kris and chatted for several minutes.  Not much more was said.

A couple of days passed, and the photos started coming in of these kids; things became much more real.  As much as I think it would be cool for JG to have a sister close in age, I know that little three-year-old has a better chance of being adopted than the twelve-year-old.  My heart was suddenly set on her, and I couldn't stop thinking about her.  I still can't.  She consumes my thoughts and my prayers.  As we pondered all it would mean to adopt a child this old, I wondered how on earth we could say no.

Kris called us several days later, and it suddenly seemed that we were destined to find her. But the twelve-year-old was nowhere in the system; as far as the Chinese government is concerned, she didn't exist.  When Kris visited the home of the child's foster brother (he has been matched already), she happened to ask the foster mother if there were any other children in the home.  The mother replied that she had a thirteen-year-old foster daughter who was at school at the time.  Kris went the next day and met with this little girl.  It turns out the foster father died two years ago, and the mom knew she wouldn't be able to keep her past her fourteenth birthday (because the funding would stop).  They have a fifteen-year-old biological daughter, and that is where any inheritance would go.  The mother couldn't even consider keeping this other little girl.  How on earth she fell through the cracks is beyond me.  But no longer.  This is the little girl we are pursuing.
Our new daughter turned thirteen on May 12th, so she HAS to be out of China by May 12, 2015.  If not, she will be forever lost.  We are not going to let that happen.  We are doing all we can to get our paperwork in as fast as possible.  Thankfully, the CCCWA (Chinese gov) will do all they can to expedite all of the paperwork so we can make this happen.  Our agency estimates we will travel by March 2015.  We have about eight months to raise roughly $28,000.  As overwhelming as that seems, I know it is totally doable.  We will not be sharing any photos of her until we have been pre-approved, but we ask that you PRAY and PRAY OFTEN!  Specifically, pray for favor, and pray that they will grant us an extension so we may re-use our dossier (which will save us time, money and STRESS).  Pray also that we will come up with creative ways to raise funds, and that our first fundraiser (July 12th) will be a success.  Just cover us with prayer. Thank you in advance. We could never walk this journey without all of you. 


  1. Yes, you've already shared most of this with me, but now as I take the time to really read and ponder it all, it made such an impact on my heart. I will be diligently praying for you all. I wish I had thousands of dollars to just give away at will to all those in need for adoption. Sadly it just isn't that easy. But, like you said...we know that God is more than able. Loves to you!

  2. WOW! I am so excited for your family Rachel. You guys are truly being the hands and feet of Jesus and I just know that God will pour out his favor on you. Keep up the positivity as you continue on through this extensive process. We'll be praying for you too!

  3. Hey! So glad to have found your new blog! I'm SOOOO excited for you all! I love your heart for God's children, and I want to help as much as I can. Please tell me what I can do and put me to work! I want you to know that we've been praying for you as a family, and we know that God is working ALL things for his good!
    Keep finding JOY!
