Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Searching for logic

As I checked my email for hundredth time, I sighed when nothing new popped up. What was I even waiting for? Less than 24 hours ago I submitted a third letter to our daughter in China and some new questions for the social worker there. I know they have to have time to translate and get it sent, I know they (our agency) are in the middle of moving to a new office, and I know, because of past times they say to give it a minimum of 3 days. 
I'm looking for answers to my questions but I am not really sure I want them. We have asked several times for them to ensure that someone, anyone has really and truly and thoroughly explained to her why she cannot stay where she is. We do not feel that has been done. Why does it matter?
For weeks I have been wrestling with this whole adopting an older child, a child specifically who is aging out of the system. I have been trying to wrap my head around it, and every time I try, I hit a wall.
I am a logical person. I am all about 2 and 2 making 4 and when they don't I just struggle. I like it when things make sense. 
This adoption of a child so old makes no sense. 
Now, before you freak out and question why I would pursue this or even go down this road, make no mistake I have no doubts we are supposed to do this. 

But think about it for minute. A family you have lived with for over 10 years has called you their daughter and you have referred to them as your mother, brother and sister, has told you they love you, have cared for you, seen you through surgery and sickness, have sent you to the best school and now...sorry, time to move on. What?!
OK, I get it, its China. They make their own rules, they always have. But these kids didn't decide to be orphans. They didn't choose to be born with cleft lip/palate, facial birthmarks, heart defects etc. They didn't choose abandonment and rejection from their birth parents. So how is it the Chinese Government deems them second class citizens? How are they the lowest of the low? It should be the opposite. As I write my heart and soul are so heavy. Its been this way for weeks. 
Oh sure we have heard from our girl on the other side of the world. She is sad to leave all she's ever known but thankful for a forever family. 
But what is going on inside of her heart and her head. How is she reconciling that all she has ever known is about to be ripped away from her in a matter of weeks. To move to the other side of the world and live with a family who, let's face it, look great in pictures and videos but she doesn't know us. She doesn't look like us, well, maybe one of us. 
I can't imagine the frustration and pain in her heart as I am sure she must question "why wouldn't you keep me? I'm a good girl, I do well in school, I do my chores and homework and do as I am told".
Can you even imagine for one second? This whole situation, this whole aging out system is so illogical. It makes no sense to rip a child away at 13 years old. What makes sense is to leave them where they are (if that is what they truly want) and pay for them to go to school and then college and help them have a future. At least here in the states a foster child leaving high school is guaranteed help with their studies. In China, there is no help for these kids. At 14 they are sent out of foster care and back to the local orphanage and by 16 or 18 they are on their own. No education and worst of all no chance to get one. They don't have money or family. They have NO ONE to fall back on. The statistics are sad at just how many end up on the streets and you can only imagine what happens then.
So great! We save one. ONE! It sounds so pathetic when said that way. And I am thankful. Thankful for the chance to do this. But it is not enough. It isn't near enough. And ultimately I just have to choose trust because God isn't about logic and everything making sense all the time is He? Otherwise there would be no need for faith.
So, even though I am sick of fundraising and begging people for money, and I hate to fly and I really don't care for Chinese anything (minus my kids) I know in my heart this isn't the end. And well, you people that we are so blessed to do life with and call friends...you better hang on because God is moving and this is only the beginning.


1 comment:

  1. This post really makes your think hard about these children aging out. It is heartbreaking. It won't be easy. But, it will be worth it.
