Saturday, November 22, 2014

Here we are again...ready to catch up?

Thanksgiving is next week and once again, despite having 11 months notice I feel like the holidays have snuck up on me. But, its not a bad thing. In fact this is probably the first holiday I haven't felt the least bit stressed. I think the only thing I have felt already is a small twinge of sadness as I feel they will be over before its sunk in they are here. Sigh, moving on.

Our family has been through it these past couple of months, hence the silence on this blog. Oh, that and the laziness on my part. There have been lots of fun things to blog about, but I have allowed too many other things to get in the way. So here is my attempt at a final post before we begin 2015. Wow! Just say that out loud a few times. I specifically remember ringing in the year 2000 and silently laughing at a couple of my crazy friends who really believed all would end that night and had spent hundreds on preparations. Yet, here we are almost 15 years later.

First things first, the kids. Jared turned 21 in August and we had a dinner for him at one of our favorite places to eat. He invited just his closest friends (and a couple of ours) and it was a really nice evening. Its never easy watching your kid hit these age milestones. Its sadly just another reminder you're getting old-er. But he is doing well and for that we are thankful and proud.

Look at him at our wedding just 2 years old. 

So handsome. 
He was so thrilled to share his first "legal" drink with me. 
Jackson and Jayden started private school this fall after 5 years of homeschooling. It was a tough transition (more for me than them) mostly because I missed having them with me all the time. But it was time for them to be with their peers and they are doing well academically.
Jayden tried out for soccer, even though he had never played in his life and made the team. They went on to place second in their conference. Jackson, sadly, tried out for basketball and didn't make it. For anyone who knows Jack, this was a huge blow. That kid has more passion for that game than Michael Jordan, and that's not just my "mom" bias talking. He handled it really well and has decided to play rec instead. Both boys are planning to accompany their youth group this summer to Nicaragua on their very first international missions trip. Its a 17 day trip so this momma is slightly nervous but am letting go because I know how good it will be for them. Pray they are able to raise the funds they need. It is $1800.00 each and with us still in fundraising mode for the adoption, its a little daunting. 
Showing off this new soccer shoes
First day of school
#7 is on the move.
And what can I say about the now 3 year old girl who wrecks our hearts with her cuteness and overwhelms us with her tantrums? She is 3! And we are once again learning how to be consistent with a toddler. She is THE most precious little girl and we are so blessed to be her mama and baba. She blows us away with her intelligence and almost daily she will say something and we wonder how on earth she knows that. Every night before bed we kneel and pray and she tells me that Jesus gives her angels to take care of her and that Jesus will never leave her or forsake her. I could just eat her up. So blessed to be able to change her life and that she already knows that Jesus loves her. She loves to sing, and color and dress up (although she will take yoga pants any day over a dress) and play in her kitchen. She is sassy and funny and everything in between. Despite the fact she is hard work and wearing us out we couldn't be more thrilled to be doing it all over again. She literally lights up every corner of our world and that of her brothers'.
For JG's 3rd bday we threw a party/fundraiser in which we asked for
donations in lieu of gifts. Most people ignored us and brought both.
We are so blessed and raised almost $700. JG was so excited at
her "FROZEN" themed tea party. 
Centerpieces (which I am proud to say I made
with a little help from my friends).

JG and her "Nai Nai" (adopted GMA)
She had so many gifts I put most away for
Christmas and future bdays. 
And last but definitely not least our fifth and future daughter Joy's update. Our agency has all but one piece of paperwork for our dossier to be complete. Since Thanksgiving is this week there will be a slight delay. So we are thinking it will be the first week of Dec. before they have it all. Once its in their hands they will cross the T's, dot the i's and it will be on its way to China. That fee will be $3500.00. Based on what China has told us about Joy's file we are hoping to receive her file at about the same time. Once that happens our "match" with Joy will be official and we will then have to pay our agency fee of around $11,000. Crazy that both fees will be due almost simultaneously. 
And also at that same time we can send Joy our photo book and letter. Our photo book has been ready for awhile but our letter is a little more tricky this time. This isn't like sending a letter to a 19 month old who has no idea what is being read to her. This not so little girl will understand everything this letter says and coupled with the photo book will be her first impression of her new family. Its a little nerve wracking to say the least. However, we are more than confident that God will equip us with this letter just like He's providing our financial needs for this adoption. Thank you again for all your support (prayer first, financial second), we could never walk this without you. 

As for Brian and I? We are doing much better. We have had more challenges than we would have liked over the past few months. I am not going to go into all of them but I am thankful that God knows us better than we know ourselves. I am thankful that he reveals all things hidden in His time and for His glory and that we are teachable. I am also thankful for the trials, whether it be our marriage, our adoption, or our kids because I can rest knowing His will is at work when we invite Him into our lives. 

I pray you, too, will choose Thankfulness this holiday season and make it a daily practice because it is amazing how it changes your outlook and attitude. God is truly good even in the mess. 



  1. Glad to see an update from you along with wonderful pictures! I hope you hear something soon about the adoption. Always thinking of you...
